Forecast Central
Austin15 is a member of division: StokesEarlyCollegeHigh-Mr.Price-SpringEarth/Env.Sciences
Year Score: 12.0, Year Rating: 2.14
Date Site Var Fcst Obs Err Score Comment
2020-04-09 Bangor, ME (KBGR) Snow depth 3 6 -3 2.33 The snow will stack unlike the rain which must spread out first
2020-04-08 Lufkin, TX (KLFK) Tmax 88 87 1 3.02 There isnt enough water in the sand to control the temperature
2020-04-04 Deadhorse, AK (PASC) Tmax 23 11 12 1.12
2020-04-03 Amarillo, TX (KAMA) Tmin 32 25 7 2.43
2020-04-02 Colorado Springs, CO (KCOS) Tmin 33 23 10 1.94
2020-03-13 Roswell, NM (KROW) Tmax 76 67 9 1.16 I guess I'm right